Did you know? Interesting facts about Tallinn, Estonia!

  • According to the WHO survey on air quality conducted in 2011, Estonia´s air is the cleanest in the world.
  • Almost 50% of Estonia is covered by forest.

  • As of 1st of April 2013, the number of public wireless Internet or Wi-Fi hotspots in Estonia was nearly 1200.
  • The Skype software was created by Estonians.
  • The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence is located in Tallinn.
  • In 2013, 99 % of the bank transfers were performed electronically and 95 % of the income tax declarations were submitted through the e-Tax Board.
  • Average temperature in July +17.9 °C (2011).
  • Average temperature in February –2.7 °C.
  • Estonia has the highest number of meteorite craters per land area in the world.
  • Highest point in Estonia, the „ Big Egg Mountain “reaches only 318 m above the sea level.
  • Most popular souvenirs to take home with you are juniper tree wooden utensils, traditional linen items and delicious marzipan with healing powers.
  • Estonians have the biggest collection of folk songs in the world with written records of 133,000 folk songs.

  • Estonian Arvo Pärt is the most performed contemporary composer in the world.
  • Estonians traditionally eat blood sausages on Christmas Eve.
  • The Estonian´s sense of humor is often hard to figure out being close to the British.
  • An average Estonian loves nature activities, theater and reading during their spare time.
  • Once every five years the Estonians gather for a weekend in Tallinn for an emotional manifest of pride for their country through singing and dancing during the wonderful Song and Dance Festival.

Want to hear more interesting facts about Tallinn, book your Tallinn city tour here: Tallinn Private City Tour.